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ルーシーダットンの起源もタイマッサージと同じ、約2500年前に遡ります。当時、多くの仙人や修行者達が悟りを開く為に、日夜厳しい修行を行なっていまし た。同じ姿勢で長時間座り続けていた彼らの体は酷使され、あらゆる場所に痛みが生じたそうです。その痛みを軽減する為に、ルーシーダットンが編み出されたのです。ルーシーダットンは、よくタイヨガと訳される事が多いですが、ルーシー(仙人)、ダッ(伸ばす・捻る)、トン(自分、一人)と意味を理解してみると、「仙人の自己整体」と言う言葉が合うように思います。ルーシーダットン最大の特徴は、その独特な呼吸法にあります。鼻からゆっくり息を吸いながらポーズをとり、ピークで呼吸を止める。そして口からゆっくりと息を吐きながらリラックスし、元の姿勢に戻ります。これにより、とても深いリラックス効果、また体の隅々に新鮮な酸素を行き渡らせ、代謝を高める事が出来るのです。しなやかな体は、リンパ・血液の循環が良くなりますので、むくみや冷え性の改善、また免疫力を高めます。




Rusie Dutton


The origin of Rusie Dutton is also back to around 2500 years ago. At that era, many hermits conducted intensive training to get enlightenment. As they stayed the same posture for a long time, they were suffering from severe pains. To alleviate the pains, Rusie Dutton was born. Rusie Dutton is often called Thai Yoga. Rusie=hermit, Dut=stretch or twist, Ton=self,alone. Thus,I would think self body adjustment is more appropriate.


When you practice Rusie Dutton, you inhale slowly from your nose, and stop breathing as you reach a peak posture, and then exhale from your mouth slowly. Thanks to its unique breathing method, you can gain a deep mental relaxation. On top of that, you can supply a lot of fresh oxygen to whole your body. As you stretch your body,the flows of blood and lymph get smoother. It does improve immunity system.

I started to practice Rusie Dutton when I started to do Thai massage. Giving Thai massage is a hard work, and it requires great flexibility. To make me surprised, since I started Rusie Dutton, my back pain was gone, and I have got a flexible body.


In our modern lifestyle, we overlabor our body and mind, as we use a computer for a long time, drive a car, and from daily housework. Compare to other Yogas, Rusie Dutton is pretty easy, so it is suitable for anyone from kids to the elderies. It doesn't require any previous experience.

I will post the information about Rusie Dutton lessons on my Facebook page, so please stay tuned! If you have more than 10 people, I can visit your place, company and event etc. Let's get a flexible body and stay healthy with me!



My Rusie Dutton lesson is normally 90mins. Like Thai massage, 60mins is not enough to stretch whole our body.It starts with sleeping postures, then sitting ones, at the end standing ones. I design a lesson like a smooth flow. Not only Rusie Dutton, I also teach self massage techniques in my lesson.

I offer a special lesson, which you can practice Rusie Dutton as you are sitting on a chair, for those who have knee or ankle problems as well as the pregnats. Please do not hesitate to contact me about a lesson.


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